Copper alloy C110, also known as electrolytic tough pitch (ETP) copper, is a widely utilized and commercially important grade of copper alloy. Renowned for its exceptional electrical conductivity, C110 is sought after in various electrical and electronic applications. With a minimum copper content of 99.9%, it exhibits remarkable purity and low levels of impurities. C110 boasts excellent formability and workability, making it easily bendable and machinable. It is extensively used in electrical wiring, bus bars, conductors, and various components requiring high electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. Additionally, C110 finds application in plumbing and architectural applications due to its excellent ductility and ease of joining. This versatile copper alloy offers a combination of superior electrical performance and mechanical properties, making it a preferred choice across multiple industries.
When C11000 is exposed to the outdoors for long periods, it produces a relatively impervious protective film which eventually forms the familiar green patina of weathered copper. In most environments, its corrosion resistance is excellent to good, although it is not suitable for use with certain materials, for instance acetylene, ammonia, chromic acid, and nitric acid.
Hot Working
C11000 has excellent hot workability and is soft and ductile when heated to a red heat.
Cold Working
C11000 has excellent cold workability, having a high ductility only slightly lower than that of the most ductile brasses. With increasing amounts of cold work, it work hardens slowly, and therefore is capable of being worked extensively before annealing is required. For drastic operations like cold extrusion and drawing, the metal is usually supplied in the soft condition.
Where less drastic work is involved, light-drawn tempers are frequently used. The added stiffness of a light temper is advantageous in feeding automatic machines such as cold-headers and for machining. Where highest strength and hardness are desired in the finished product, it is best to start with the hardest temper adaptable to the forming operations involved.
Joining and Fabrication
Joining by soldering is excellent, while good by brazing. Soldering can be done by all heating methods. Brazing in hydrogen-bearing atmospheres is not recommended due to potential hydrogen embrittlement in which the hydrogen combines with the oxygen to form water vapor. An inert or oxidizing atmosphere is best. Induction and salt-bath brazing are also suitable. Sound welds with good strength can usually be made with inert-gas arc welding, although these processes are generally not recommended for C11000 copper.
Applications are numerous, and include ball floats, building fronts, bus bars, wire conductors, contacts, cotter pins, downspouts, flashing, gaskets, gutters, kettles, nails, pans, printing rolls, radiators, radio parts, rivets, screening, soldering copper, switches, tacks, and terminals.
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